The SITD Book Club book for May was, “The Indifferent Stars Above”, by Daniel James Brown. It never ceases to amaze this reader how much there is still to learn about historical people, places, and events, such as the story of the Donner Party. In his book, Brown follows Sarah Graves on her harrowing journey from Illinois to California. We found it a great read that most recommended, although a few of us hadn’t finished it.
We met at Cathy’s lovely home and invited our spouses to join us. They are forming a “Reading Club” of their own and will be reading menus at local restaurants while we talk books in the future.

The SITD Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30. All members of SITD are welcome to join. Please reach out to Shirley if you are interested.
Our next book, “The Women”, by Kristin Hannah will be discussed at our June meeting on the 5th.