Because of Soroptimist generous donations the Truckee DFG team was able to purchase 25 hygiene kits from the Nairobi DFG team to distribute to the young mothers at “Africa Child”. This is a rescue school and home for women that have become pregnant by rape or incest and have to leave their own homes.
Africa Child offers both a place for these young women to live until their babies are two years of age but also offers education so that they can finish High School and also teaches them a trade, i.e. hair cutting, braiding, massage, sewing and baking so that when they leave they have a skill to make some money to live on so they don’t fall prey to prostitution.
The girls/women at Africa absolutely loved 💕 their hygiene kits and were so appreciative to receive them. As we know, they all said they normally they just use rags, newspapers or whatever else is available as their menstrual products.
A heartfelt thank you to Soroptimist International Truckee Donner.

Lisa Abraham in Nairobi showing kits!