Saturday, September 21, 2024, was a beautiful fall day in Truckee. It was a perfect day for over 40 District 5 Soroptimists and guests to gather together in the Glenshire Clubhouse for a meeting filled with newsy reports, inspirational speakers, fun shopping, and great food, which our club was pleased to host. District 5 Director, Susan Horst, facilitated the meeting, interweaving the theme ‘A Season of Transformation—a time to embrace new opportunities for growth and renewal.’

Several Soroptimist dignitaries were in attendance including SNR Governor, Stacey Jensen; SNR Governor-Elect Kathy Dunbar, SNR Treasurer, Evie Wright, SNR District 5 Director, Susan Horst; SNR Federation Membership Chair, Holly Nash; SNR SOLT Coordinator, Sue Chambers; SNR Nominating Committee District 5, Katelin Felicetti and SNR Past Governor, JoAnn Roberts.
Federation news was shared by Governor Stacey, Governor-Elect Kathy and the four Federation Chairs, in each of our pillar areas, Public Awareness Chair, Danielle Kennedy; Membership Chair, Holly Nash, Fundraising Co-Chair Emily Zizer; and Program Chair, Tracey Edwards.
We had two compelling guest speakers, Council Member, Anna Klovstad from the Town of Truckee whose vision for Truckee is to become a model sustainable
mountain town with a ripple-bottom-line approach that integrates the benefits of promoting the environment, economy and equity, a topic near and dear to us as Soroptimist. Our second guest speaker was Amy Cornelius from Cornelius Planning and Consulting. Amy’s heartfelt message of her journey, with all sorts of twists and turns, from a young, idealistic engineer fresh out of college, to a competent business owner, touched everyone in the room.
Always a favorite part of our Fall District meetings, was hearing from our club Presidents. This is the nut and-bolts of how we are actually implementing our Soroptimist mission at the club level. It’s a time to get new ideas on what is working in other clubs and foster friendship in our District. District 5 has ten clubs, the most of any District in the Sierra Nevada Region, and is chalk-full of quality leadership. These inspiring women assure us that Soroptimist is alive and well in District 5.
Four beautiful baskets were raffled off, helping to offset event expenses. Basket items were donated by SITD members Lynn Bodfish, Susan Horst, Leslie Dugger, Tahoe Oil and Spice, and our event sponsor, Dr. Tanya Gill with We Love Eyes. Happy Dollars collected are being giving to victims of the Davis Fire.
Kudos to Caterer, Jacob Bird, for a delicious lunch and a special thanks to the Event Committee Members: Coordinator Susan Horst, Lil Schaller, Tanya Barron, Shirley Phelan and Lynn Bodfish. SITD last hosted this event in 2019 and succeeded in carrying on a tradition of hosting a great Fall District 5 Meeting.