Become a Member

- Attend a meeting
- Come to an event
- Speak to a current member
Membership Commitment
Soroptimist International of Truckee Donner (SITD) is an organization which makes a significant difference to our community and the world. Come join us. Enter a community of new friends and gain training in leadership.
Before becoming a member, we would like you to get to know us by attending two of our meetings or events as well as an orientation meeting.
Once a member, we ask for you to volunteer your time and to make some financial contributions as outlined below. SITD strives to appreciate what each unique member can contribute. We do have required fees and some financial expectations, such as buying a ticket to the Wine Tasting and Restaurant Faire, but most other financial items listed below are encouraged, but not required. Please participate and contribute when and how you are able.
- Monthly noon business meeting
- While these have historically been noon time meetings, several may take place in the evenings to accommodate many people’s schedules. Not only will you participate in how we conduct our business, but you will also to feel connected and enjoy the camaraderie of the organization.
- Periodic evening program meeting
- Optional Meetings
- Feel welcome to attend monthly Board Meetings to listen and learn
- Monthly noon business meeting
- Participate in our three primary fundraisers. Monies raised are ‘given back’ to our community through our donations, grants and awards.
- WINE TASTING AND RESTAURANT FAIRE (June): is our main fundraiser which provides the funds for most of our club’s donations, grants and awards. Join a sub-committee, help to sell tickets and, if possible, participate on the day of the event. All members are expected to participate in some way.
- SOROPTISHOP (Nov): an art and craft fair
- SEE’S CANDY SALES (Nov): help to sell or make a cash donation
- Various other fundraisers
- Our community events may involve planning, setup, participation, cleanup, etc.
- Examples include:
- Teen Closet Baby Shower (Sept)
- Community Christmas Toy Drive (Nov-Dec)
- Best for Women Award Celebration (March)
- Senior Pancake Breakfast (April)
- Join us for fun activities with new acquaintances
- Examples include:
- Fall trip to Buck’s Lake
- Holiday Party
- Winter ski trip
- Spontaneous outings, hikes and more.
- Join at least two committees of your choice
- Some are short term time commitments, while others span our fiscal year. These committees develop fellowship and friendship.
- Join at least two committees of your choice
Financial Commitment
We have required obligations and optional opportunities.
As we are a service club, we anticipate that our members will support our fundraising efforts either through direct donations or participation in raising funds. Although we raise funds to support our charitable efforts, funds are also necessary to keep our club running.
- PERIODIC EXPENDITURES (strongly encouraged)
- Business Meeting
- $15 for meal or $2 for beverages only
- A few optional dollars to raise money to offset club costs:
- Happy Dollars
- Bead Drawing
- White Elephant
- Program Meeting Dinner
- $15 for meal or $2 for beverages only
- Wine Tasting and Restaurant Faire
- Seek or donate Silent Auction items
- Nice bottle of wine for Auction ($35)
- SEE’s Candy Sales (Nov): help to sell or make a cash donation
- Business Meeting
- Holiday Party (Dec)
- Lunch ($20-30) (and possible appetizer, wine or dessert)
- Gift exchange (< $20) (optional)
- Gift for Toy Drive (optional)
- Installation Dinner (June)
- Catered dinner and wine at a member’s house ($20-$30)
- President’s Appeal (Dec)
- Donations are collected for a need cause/project, usually international, that is determined by Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA)
- Soroptishop
- Donations of food or cash for wine (typically $10-$20)
- Celebration of Women
- Donations of food or cash for wine (typically $10-$20)
- Holiday Party (Dec)